AFPFF08 Swing bear food spiller/for dogs and cats
This product is a multifunctional food dispensing toy and it can be used for cats and dogs.
No electricity required,it can be moved by a nudge from pet.
Food dispensing toy: When the toy is shaken back and forth, snacks will leak out of it, so that it
can increase the fun of the toy and make the pet eat slow to protect the pet's gastrointestinal health.
Unscrew the transparent shell part of the product, and you can put catfood, dog food, pet snacks into
the toy body.When the toyis shaken bac and forth, snacks will leak out of it, so that it can attract pets'
This product is made of upgraded version of environmentally friendly andhealthy food-grade ABS
material,which is sturdy,wear-resistant and durable.It can be used by multiple pets at the same time.In
the process of learning
to use toys, it caneffectively improve the cat's intelligence.
The toy can be shaken bach and forth,even when there is no external force,the toy will move by its
own weight.So that it canincrease the fun of the toy.Intg
toys can replace the owner's company, and can make pets exerciseand keep the body healthy.
Playing with this toyoften can relieve pets' anxiety and improve pets' IQ. When they are at home,
the toy can prevent pets from demolishing
their homesand will not damage homes and clothing.